How to Curate Amazon Bullet Points in 2022?

Bullet points are the central part of the product listing page.

Optimizing your product page also comprises how well your bullet points are executed. Not harmonizing your product bullet points will result in losing customers or a bad reputation. Shoppers skimming through the Amazon product page should get information on what exactly is your product & how they can benefit from it. With that information, you can earn your customer's trust effortlessly.

Hence, ensure to formulate bullet points from the customer's point of view.

The next time you sit down to write product bullet points, here is the list of things you need to keep in mind. This checklist will come in handy when you create bullet points. 

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1. Do your Keyword Research

Great bullet points are those that include the right keywords. 

The A9 Amazon search algorithm analyzes numerous aspects of your website to decide where your product will show in the search results.  One of the fundamental parts is keywords. Thus, make sure to use available tools while researching which search terms have the most activity.  

Invest a good time into keyword research that you can incorporate into bullet points. Research on top-ranking, relevant keywords that you can use. 

However, keep in mind not to repeat key phrases in order to attain an increased Amazon ranking.

2. List USPs

Listing your brand’s most quirky points will help your customers to better understand your product. Including those features will automatically give a better perspective of your brand while letting the shopper know what your brand is and why they should buy it. Don’t forget to list the technical features too in the overall description, so customers can make purchase decisions.

Ensure to make your listing look professional in such a way, that it is also highly skimmable. Mention the most important information first and foremost. Capitalize the first word of every single bullet point. This will seize the attention of your customers. 

Focus more on the USPs of your product to convince your customers to make the purchase. It provides the best for both the buyer and seller. 

3. Competitor's Research 

Find out who your rivals are on Amazon. Get to know what keywords they are using, also how they are shaping bullet points. With the help of it, you will be able to know what exactly is your potential customer looking for in your product. 

Filter out the features or comments that appear most often and cut the rest of them. Lastly, arrange the bullet points.                                                                        

4. Character Limit for Bullet Points

The character limit varies for sellers and vendors. It also varies depending on the different categories that you sell in. The character count is 250-255 including spaces and one cannot exceed this. 

As an Amazon seller, you have a maximum limit of 5 bullet points. To get the best advantage of your bullet points, keep them short & up to the mark while using only 150 characters. 

If your bullet points are long, 200 characters or more, customers will only see the first two or three, and often they will not continue reading. Keeping it brief always works better. 

5. Avoid Using False Information

One thing your customers expect from you is not to provide them with phony attributes. Your bullet points should not sound like outright advertising where you declare your product to be in its category. Setting high expectations and not matching up to them will result in bad feedback. 


Bullet points are one of the first and foremost areas of focus on your product details page. Thus, you must strive to optimize your bullet points along with their keyword's relevancy. Keep the above guide handy and well you will be on your way to creating impressive bullet points that sell.

For expert help, you can reach out to Your Seller team. We provide Amazon listing services to make sure you have an organized online store with maximum visibility. Feel free to call us at +1 510 648 3933 or +91 9909513312 or mail us at We’ll be glad to help you!


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