Amazon Listing Optimization in 2021: The Ultimate Guide For Sellers

Businesses today are eager to jump on the rampantly rising digital trend, especially the e-Commerce platforms. Currently, the most coveted digital market is Amazon as it accommodates nearly all kinds of products & business. But, it is a highly competitive market too. Amazon is essentially a search engine for products. And since the viewers rarely go beyond the first page of the search results, the sellers must get that top spot for their products. There are several methods to beat the competition in your niche, but the most crucial is Amazon Listing Optimization.

Amazon listing optimization involves creating a customized product listing that attracts viewers, boosts conversions & ultimately increases sales. Although, it is important to keep in mind that Amazon & Google are completely separate entities. Meaning, the optimization strategy you use for the former is ineffective for the latter and vice versa.

As a digital marketplace, Amazon is a closed-off platform with no outside influence allowed. Accordingly, the sellers have to craft a tailor-made Amazon listing optimization strategy to get their products ranked in top search results.

In this blog, we will discuss some of the most important tips for Amazon Listing Optimization in 2021.

1. Product Title Makes All The Difference

Product title is the first thing that a customer takes note of while scanning through the search results. For most categories, Amazon provides a limit of 250 characters to each seller for the product title. A well-written & optimized Amazon product title can attract a swarm of customers to your product. Here are a few tips that you can use to get started with your Amazon listing optimization:

(a) Include Brand Name: Mentioning brand name in the product title can help attract repeat buyers who are already familiar with your company. Also, it instills a sense of reliability in the mind of new customers.

(b) Primary Keywords: Your product title should always carry primary keywords that catch the customers’ eyes. Make sure to include a highly-relevant key phrase in the first 80 characters of the title. It is advised to add 1-3 primary keywords in the product title in such a way that they logically fit in the sentence.

(c) Make it Customer-Friendly: Stuffing your product title with too many keywords makes it difficult for the customers to get a clear idea. It will come off as an illogical sentence & will probably be on the radar of Amazon’s algorithm.

(d) Keep The Details Relevant: Your product title must send the right details to your customers in the form of features & specifications like color, size, model, quantity, etc.

(e) Reveal The Best Feature: Demonstrate the USP of your product in the title itself to make a strong impression on the viewers’ minds. Tell them what sets your product apart from others in the market.

You can also find some additional tips on Amazon’s Seller Central page.

2. Convince The Customer With Key Product Features

This is another important element of the Amazon listing optimization strategy. The key product features offer you an opportunity to showcase your products’ hallmarks. Obviously, keywords are a must but the main goal here is to answer the question “Why this particular product?”

(a) Clarity & Conciseness: For each product, an Amazon seller has a limit of 1,000 characters to describe the key product features. The main aim here is to convince the customers so make sure you use simple words & clear sentences. Try & keep each bullet point very specific & within the range of 200 characters.

(b) Show What’s Valuable: Enter valuable information that helps customers to accurately gauge your product. Let the customers know what makes your product better than others.

(c) Include Benefit Statements: A customer will buy a product only if he/she sees it as a solution to their problems. Include at least one example of how your product creates value in the buyer’s life.

(d) Mobile Optimized: Mobile optimization of your product page is an essential investment. This is because the Amazon mobile app displays the key product features below the A+ content. In most cases, they are truncated with only the first 400 or so characters being displayed before the viewers have to “click more”.

(e) Other Tips: Begin each bullet point with a capital letter and use a consistent tone. Do not mention pricing, shipping, or any company information.

3. Set Your Product Apart With Product Description

Product Description gives you an additional space of 2,000 characters to elaborate on your product’s features & boost your Amazon listing optimization. Primarily, it should be utilized to demonstrate the add-on qualities that highlight your product in the cluster of similar products. To an extent, it gives you more freedom to add keywords but be careful to keep it legible & not to use too many of them. Follow these tips to effectively optimize this area:

 (a) Keep It Short: Ditch the long paragraphs and breakdown each matter into short sentences or bullet points. The product description is your sales pitch so make sure the viewers find it easy to read & filled with only the useful details.

(b) Create Value: Keep your product description highly consumer-centric. Don’t just simply mention the features; educate the customers about the science behind it & why they need it. Whenever possible, insert power words to make it more compelling.

(c) Story Sells: Do not shy away from telling the customers about the thought-process behind the product and/or the brand. A story is an interesting way to keep the viewers hooked to your product.

4. Tease The Viewers With High-Quality Product Images/Videos:

Be it an offline or online market, a visual representation of the product is what drives the buying decision. Amazon facilitates this experience through its media section. While uploading product media, keep these points in mind to improve your Amazon listing optimization.

(a) Use The Space Wisely: Amazon allows a seller to upload 9 images, 7 of which are displayed along with the listing and the remaining 2 are available in the gallery. Upload as many images as possible & ensure that each of them serves a different purpose.

(b) The Right Size: Images with dimensions greater than 1000 x 1000 pixels should be ideally used. The superior quality of photos enables customers to zoom in on them & get a clearer idea.

(c) Follow The Guidelines: As per the official guidelines, your lead Amazon product images must have a neutral background with no watermarks, blueprints, or sketches.

(d) Keep It Professional: Photos simply captured from the camera of your mobile phones just won’t work. Hire a professional photographer & leverage his skills to capture some high-definition shots of your product. Cover various angles & show the product from all the sides.

(e) Lifestyle Images: Pictures that accurately show your product’s size, scale and utility are extremely important as they clear any confusion that’s left in the customers’ minds.

Product images are very important in strengthening your Amazon listing optimization. So, make sure to invest in professional photography & get visually attractive images for your products. If your images are not convincing enough, the viewers will skip right through your listing.

5. Keywords Dictate The Game

At the core of your Amazon listing optimization strategy lie the right keywords. As mentioned earlier, Amazon is a search engine and it uses keywords as the main parameter for ranking your product. These are the very keywords that you need to work into your product title, description, and key features. Use these tips to identify the exact keywords that will boost your product’s ranking:

 (a) Research Is Key: The best place to find keywords for your product is Amazon itself. You can either utilize tools or search for them manually. Put yourself in the minds of your customers & think about what they would type while looking for your product.

(b) Keyword Index: Once you’ve carried out detailed research, create a proper list of all the relevant keywords & monitor it constantly. Since the search terms keep on changing, you must update this list at least once a month.

(c) Evaluate Your Competitors: Discover the keywords that your competitors are using & decide which of them to use for your own product listing.

(d) Avoid Stuffing: It is best not to repeat the keywords again & again. Try to form meaningful sentences with just the right amount of relevant keywords.

(e) Backend Keywords: Optimizing the backend keyword section can drastically improve your Amazon product listing strategy. So ensure that you cover your product’s categories, misspellings, features, variants, and other potential ways a customer might search for your product.

Optimize Your Product Listing With Us & Let Us Be YourSeller On Amazon

Be it any product or industry, the dedicated team at YourSeller will help you establish a strong business authority on Amazon. With our expert copywriting services & impeccable SEO support, we craft the perfect Amazon Listing Optimization strategy for your products.

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